Candida Cleanse (Warning Medical Images)


Well I experienced my first downside to a vegan diet, it seems that it may be easier for candida to thrive on a high carb vegan diet and that was a pretty painful discovery so I took matters into my own hands and created a 48 hr juice fast to help cleanse my system of pesky fungi.

    Trigger Warning, Medical Images of my candida recovery.

    Day one was the worst and most painful day and I am documenting my story to help others in similar situations. Candida can be particularly pesky for women during ovulation. It is normal, don't feel alone or ashamed, but it is not healthy so getting a handle on the situation asp is essential.

    Mushroom Dandelion Chai 

1g Reishi Mushroom powder 

1g Lionsmane Mushroom Powder 

2g dandelion root 

a dash of black pepper 

a dash of cinnamon 

a dash of ginger 

2 tbsp maple syrup 

1/2 cup oat creamer low sugar

     Brew mushroom powders, dandelion root, and spices in 64 oz of hot water using a fillable tea bag. cover and let brew for 10 to 15 minutes. Then stir in creamer and maple syrup. Sip on this as a coffee or tea replacement throughout the day. Keep in a large thermos in the fridge.

    I made a delicious mushroom chai that really helped fight the bad fungi with good fungi. This was also particularly tasty which is nice when you are very hungry.


   Mustard Kale and Apple Detox Juice

2 apples 

1 pear 

2 lemons 

3 oranges 

1 yellow pepper 

1 bunch mustard greens 

1 bunch kale 

1 bunch fresh mint

1 zucchini 

3 carrots

     Juice the fruits and vegetables to make a juice concentrate and add to a 64 oz pitcher, fill the remainder of the pitcher with water. Drink through out the day storing the pitcher in the fridge.

     This juice wasn't the tastiest but it is very helpful at restoring ph balance.


Vegetable broth 

2 lbs Vegetable scraps 

2 tsp lionsmane mushroom powder 

1 tsp oregano 

1 bay leaf 

1 tsp msg (Optional) 

2 tbsp olive oil 

Salt to taste

     Add veggie scraps to instapot and then add seasoning. Stir in enough water to cover veggie scraps and pressure cook on the soup and broth button. Strain veggie scraps. (Veggie scraps can be dehydrated and processed into a powder for vegetable seasoning later)

     This Broth was extremely satisfying at dinner time after a long day of fasting. 

     By the second day things were looking better.

     I made sure to keep the area clean by washing twice daily with hibecleanse and witch hazel. I towel dried the area and sprayed with an anti fungal spray and applied a medical antifungal ointment and then covered with baby powder to absorb moisture.

  By the 3rd day it had pretty much cleared and I had ended my fast.



    1 week later there is a bit of a scar but I feel a lot better. I think i want to incorporate more fasting into my fitness routines because this fast really helped me break my weight loss plateau and after all was said and done i lost about 10 lbs and feel much healthier.


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